
Now’s the Chance for Australia to Get Over Coal and Gas

Now’s the Chance for Australia to Get Over Coal and Gas

The government’s response to the bushfires ravaging Australia has been woeful but not surprising. A transition away from the country’s reliance on fossil fuels is needed more than ever, and even Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his cronies will have to get on board.

It’s Time to Throw Off Our Digital Chains

It’s Time to Throw Off Our Digital Chains

As data-mining companies and government decision-making edge ever closer, it is not just our digital privacy that’s at risk, but our very capacity to organize in solidarity.

Defending encryption in Australia: Human Rights Hero acceptance speech

Defending encryption in Australia: Human Rights Hero acceptance speech

I was grateful to receive the Human Rights Hero award at RightsCon 2019 presented by Access Now. My esteemed fellow recipients can be found here: Below is an edited version of my acceptance speech, about the campaign...