Prioritising privacy in a digital world
Tuesday 4 May 2021 11am – 12pm Register via the OVIC website. As part of Privacy Awareness Week, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner will be hosting a virtual panel discussion facilitated by the Information Commissioner, Sven Bluemmel. This session...
Podcast: The new law that could censor the internet
Listen to the recording at 7am Podcast. The Online Safety Bill is being framed by the government as a way to modernise how Australia regulates the internet. But concerns have been raised about what the consequences could be for freedom of expression. Today, Lizzie...
News Corp Bargaining Code
As featured on Juice Media on Wednesday 3 March, 2021 A chat about about the News Media Bargaining Code to get a deeper understanding. Sources Here’s the legislation:...
The battle to get Big Tech to pay for news
As Published in Al Jazeera |The Listening Post. Saturday, February 27,...
Can Australia Save Journalism From the Internet?
As published in The New York Times | Opinion on Wednesday, 24 February, 2021. Last week Facebook carried out what may have been the single largest content takedown in its history. Any content that looked vaguely like news, even if it very much was not, disappeared...
Podcast – Australia’s Plan to Make Tech Pay for News
Tech Won’t Save Us Podcast with Paris Marx. Listen to podcast. More ways to listen: Apple Spotify Overcast Google Stitcher Podcast Addict Paris Marx is joined by Lizzie O’Shea to discuss how Australia’s plan to make Google and Facebook pay news publishers...
Big Tech versus Democracy
As featured on the Green Left Show on Sunday, February 7, 2021.
Antitrust case reveals the dangers of Facebook’s business model
At stake is the right to engage online without being watched, tracked or managed Lizzie O’Shea is a human rights lawyer. She is author of “Future Histories: What Ada Lovelace, Tom Paine, and the Paris Commune Can Teach Us about Digital Technology.”...
Fake techno-utopianism and imagining a better future
As featured on Behind The News on Thursday, 13 February 2020. Listen below: ...