Future Histories – is the world that we creating – fair, democratic and sustainable? Does it promote equality or inequality?
Tuesday, 4 May 2021 5-6 PM Register What does history teach us about our digital future? Can systems which take freedoms, ultimately be accountable and respect human rights? About this event Digital technology has the capacity to create profound changes within...
Prioritising privacy in a digital world
Tuesday 4 May 2021 11am – 12pm Register via the OVIC website. As part of Privacy Awareness Week, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner will be hosting a virtual panel discussion facilitated by the Information Commissioner, Sven Bluemmel. This session...
Remaking the Public Square
Thursday, 29 April 2021. 10am In an era of disinformation, distortion and filter bubble, activist and author Eli Pariser has been advocating for the creation of public digital infrastructure and is joined by Lizzie O’Shea, Peter Lewis, Eli Pariser to discuss...
Tech Talk
Friday, April 23, 2021 1-2 PM Register and more information Identity theft is often thought of as something people experience as a financial crime, but what about for international diplomacy? The manufacturing of digital hardware is surprisingly concentrated and we...
Reclaiming the power of communication from big tech and government.
Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021. 7.30-9 PM Register The current fight involving Facebook in Australia has led some to ask “Is the government more afraid of News Corp or Facebook?” These and other ugly manoeuvres beg the question: How do we see our digital future? Big tech...
Podcast – Australia’s Plan to Make Tech Pay for News
Tech Won’t Save Us Podcast with Paris Marx. Listen to podcast. More ways to listen: Apple Spotify Overcast Google Stitcher Podcast Addict Paris Marx is joined by Lizzie O’Shea to discuss how Australia’s plan to make Google and Facebook pay news publishers...
Future Histories: Social movements can shape a sustainable, digital future
Tuesday, 2 February 2021. 12-2pm AEDT Register (Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 6–8 p.m. in Edmonton, Canada) The rapid advances of digital technology show how human ingenuity and cooperation has the potential to overcome profound challenges, reduce inequality and develop a...
Why Advancing Welfare Rights is a Digital Issue
Keynote presentation at the 2021 WACOSS conference ‘Finding Ground: Building A Better Way Back Together’ on Wednesday January 24, 2021. Footage to follow.
Human Rights Week. Equality Talks: Part 2 – New frontiers
Tuesday December 8, 2020. Register The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost every aspect of life as we knew it. Existing structural inequalities were highlighted, and often exacerbated, while ‘COVID-normal’ is asking us to take radically different approaches to the ways...
Tech talk: fortnightly talks about all things tech
Every fortnight, I have a chat with Dan and Peter about all the latest issues in the tech world. You can check out our calendar and find past talks here: https://australiaathome.com.au/
Keynote: Linux Australia Conference 2020

US Tour Dates
Friends in the United States, I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Here is a list of upcoming tour dates. Please register and come and say hello: Honor Fraser Gallery, Culver City (LA) 1/24 : http://www.honorfraser.com/?s=upcoming&eid=170 Green Apple Books...
Jacobin Magazin presents: Lizzie O’Shea – No Socialism without Digital Self-Determination!
I am joining the editors of Jacobin Magazin to discuss Future Histories, 4pm, MaHalle Kiezladen. You can rsvp here (Facebook link). Description of the event below: The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty recently released a report highlighting how digital...
The Groucho Club – Humanity in the age of machines
We live in times in which addiction to social media is prevalent, many kinds of work are being automated and our psyche is treated as a commodity for data mining purposes. When so many of our public and private spaces are dominated by machines, what does this mean for...
Institute for International Law and the Humanities – book talk
IILAH together with the Digital Citizen’s Network is hosting a public seminar where I will talk about Future Histories on 11 July 2019 at 6pm . To register please click here. Your registration will help track attendance and optimise the venue space. An adapted...
Fully Automated Luxury Communism
I’ll be in conversation with Aaron Bastani about technology and communism. I’ll be talking about Future Histories. Bastani’s book, Fully Automated Luxury Communism: A Manifesto claims that new technologies will liberate us from work, providing the...
Book launch – Newspeak House
When we talk about technology we always talk about the future—which makes it hard to figure out how to get there. In her new book Future Histories, Lizzie O’Shea argue that we need to stop looking forward and start looking backwards. Weaving together histories of...
RightsCon Tunis – Defending encryption – lessons from the Australian frontline
I will be speaking at RightsCon Tunis about the new encryption law passed in 2018 in Australia and the implications for a safe and secure Internet. Check out the draft program here: https://www.rightscon.org/program/